Exam Day

We aim to make the exam process as stress-free for you as possible. We set out below the information that you should need prior to your exam day(s), but if you do have any questions or concerns please do contact us. 

Information sheets/pre-releases- for a few subjects only, you may need to be sent information sheets (often called pre-releases) giving data that you will be expected to know in the exam. If this is required it will be clearly indicated in the exam specification. Please email hjo@stpaulsschool.org.uk if you think this may apply to you.

Unforeseen issues- Occasionally, something can happen which temporarily affects a candidate and their performance on the day of the exam. This might be illness or injury or another event outside of their control. In these situations we may be able to apply for Special Consideration for you. Please let us know at the first possible opportunity if you believe you have experienced such an issue and we can advise you accordingly.