Smart Boards and Notebook Software

Smart Boards

You will notice that in the new science building the old Promethean Activboards have been replaced by Smartboards. They do much the same thing, but the software is based around the idea of collaboration. This means that, if your teacher chooses to share the SmartBoard notes with you, you can then read and edit them on a variety of devices.

 The Smart software is called Notebook (version 11 is the current one) and files are thus referred to as Notebooks.

 For example, KPZ shares his lessons to his class at his physics page.

Reading Smart Notebook Files

The different ways of reading and interacting with files have different features, as shown here.

On Your PC or Mac

Download (for free) the Smart Notebook Interactive Viewer Software for Windows or MacOS here. (164MB download)

This software allows you to view and interact with Notebook files, including writing additional notes.

On Your iPad

Buy the Smart Notebook App. Details here, and the app store is here. Currently costs $6.99.

On The Move

Smart Notebook Express is a free web interface that lets you create, read and edit notebook files from anything with a compatible browser.

Non-Proprietary Software

If you are having problems with any of the above you could try this:

It is a utility written by an SPS student which will convert the notebook to PDF or Word format.